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CBD-related laws can get pretty confusing, especially when you’re talking about countries outside of the US. When it comes to the UK, however, this specific country has semi-recently introduced some more lenient laws concerning the topic. Seeing as this is the case, in this article, we’ll be covering some of the customer best CBD oil UK reviews, and try to find the top products.

Contrary to popular belief, CBD products are, indeed, different from one another - oftentimes, it’s pretty difficult to distinguish the best products for yourself. That’s why, before we jump into the list of the best CBD oil UK, we’ll quickly cover some of the essentials, and talk about the things that you should know before buying your first batch of CBD oil.

Our list of the best CBD UK will look like this:

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Best CBD Oil UK: How to Pick the Right Products for Yourself?

For starters, let’s get one thing straight and out of the way - the legalities of CBD oil in the UK.

As of writing this “best CBD oil UK” list, the country actually has some pretty good laws concerning CBD products within the country. Well, when I say “good”, I mean that these laws are very consumer-friendly.

In the UK, CBD products are legal as long as they do not breach the 0,2% THC mark. This means that all of the CBD isolates and most of the broad-spectrum CBD products are legal within the country, with a few specific exceptions.

Now, when it comes to full-spectrum CBD oils, things are a bit tricky. You see, if the products are US-made, they can contain up to 0,3% THC, and if they thread that line, they will be illegal in the UK (yes, it’s just 0,1%, but it still makes a pretty significant difference).

Best CBD oil UK: CBD massage candles.

What this means is that, if you’re looking for the best CBD oil UK that would also be full-spectrum, you should make sure that the oils don’t surpass the 0,2% THC mark, and you should be golden.

Other than that, you should also pay attention to the products themselves - their potency, extraction methods, what they are best for, and so on. Each person is going to react differently to the same product, and while CBD could, in fact, be good at treating inflammations for some[1], the same products could not work for others - it’s certainly a case-by-case type of a scenario.

All of that being said, covering each of the best CBD oil UK, you should be able to get a pretty good idea of which products are going ot be good for you, and which are not as suitable. So, let’s get right into it, shall we?

Jonas Urbonas

Founder of Sativum

What to look for when choosing CBD oil?

1. Certificate of Analysis - laboratory cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids test - so you know precisely how much cannabinoids and other molecules the product has.

2. Reviews of the company - as there are a lot of "CBD" products that do not contain cannabidiol at all, it is wise to check lab tests and social proof of the company to understand other customers' experience with the product.

3. Product labels - as CBD concentrations differ, two visually-similar 10ml bottles can contain completely different amounts of CBD and other phytocannabinoids, so it is recommended to pay attention to product labels.

1. CBDistillery - High-Quality, Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Ranks #1 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

30% Exclusive Discount

On All CBDistillery Products

You have an exclusive chance to save 30% on your CBDistillery order. Grab this limited-time promo code & enjoy top-rated CBD products!

Expiration date: 20/02/2025
931 People Used
Only 37Left

CBDistillery is one of those CBD brands that everyone will probably have heard of - at least everyone who’s ever researched the topic of CBD. Truth be told, while not that many customer best CBD oil UK reviews mention CBDistillery as the “go-to option” for the best products in the UK, they should - the brand offers some top-tier CBD products.

The oil that the company deals in is made with coconut oil - in other words, MCT coconut oil is used as the carrier for the cannabidiol in the end product. There are many different oils that companies could use with their products, but the majority of people agree that coconut oil is going ot be one of the best options.

The reason behind this is pretty simple, too - our bodies are naturally pretty good at taking coconut oil in. This, in turn, allows all of the CBD that comes together with the coconut oil to also be taken in much more effectively, and the effects should last longer than average, too.

Naturally, there’s more to it than that, but this is just a simple, straightforward way of seeing it.

Now, the thing about CBDistillery being one of the options of the spot of the best CBD oil UK is that the brand deals in full-spectrum products. Being based in the US, there’s a natural concern that the oils might exceed the UK legal 0,2% THC limit, and thus get the buyer in some legal trouble with the law enforcement. Having said that, it seems that the oils offered by CBDistillery are OK in this regard.

What is the Price of the CBDistillery CBD Oil?

Purchasing the CBD oil from the brand’s official website, the prices are going ot look like this:

If you’re looking to buy CBD oil UK, CBDistillery is surely one of the more affordable and better options! You can also buy the brand’s products from your local CBD shop, too.

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...or read our CBDistillery review

2. Medterra - Independently-Tested CBD Isolates

Ranks #2 out of 7 CBD Oils

Verified Staff Pick

Save Up To 15%

When Purchasing Bundles

Choose to bundle 2,3 or 4+ Medterra CBD products and save up to 15% off the bundle value. The final discount will be shown at the checkout.

Expiration date: 22/02/2025
1975 People Used
Only 25Left

Same as a couple of other names in this “best CBD oil UK” list, Medterra is an internationally-recognizable CBD brand. The company has built a reputation of selling some great quality CBD isolates - this is, in fact, great for anyone who’s looking to buy CBD oil UK.

Why is that the case, you ask? Well, CBD isolates are products that contain no THC - it’s just pure CBD, and some necessary additives to make the cannabidiol into oil form.

Naturally, CBD isolates aren’t going to be as potent as, say, full-spectrum CBD products. That being said, you can be sure that they will be completely legal in the UK.

Medterra’s oils are also independently-tested by third-party labs, and proven to be safe for use. The company deals in top-quality CBD products, so you can be sure that you’re purchasing all-around well-made CBD oil.

What is the Price of the Medterra CBD Oil?

When it comes to the best CBD oil UK, Medterra’s oil can only be purchased from your local CBD shop, or from the brand’s official website. If you choose to take the latter approach, the prices are going ot look like this:

Definitely some decently-priced products!

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...or read our Medterra review

3. Social CBD - Affordable, Broad-Spectrum CBD Oils

Ranks #3 out of 7 CBD Oils

Just so you know, Social CBD is the same as Select CBD - the company has rebranded, but the products (and their qualities) remain the same. For the sake of consistency, we’ll be referring to the company as Social CBD, though.

Social CBD offers customers some affordable, yet high-quality broad-spectrum CBD products. Broad-spectrum CBD, in general, is quite a rare sight to see - most companies resort to either CBD isolates, or full-spectrum products (or both).

What is broad-spectrum CBD oil, you may ask? Well, while it depends on the company that sells it, in most cases, broad-spectrum CBD products are going to be those that contain multiple cannabinoids (not just cannabidiol - CBD), but will still be THC-free.

Needless to say, that’s great for anyone looking to buy CBD oil UK.

Naturally, the company’s products are independently-tested, and made with all of the top production standards in mind.

What is the Price of the Social CBD Oil?

Purchasing the CBD oil from the company’s official website, the prices are going to look like this:

Definitely one of the most affordable options for the best CBD oil UK!

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4. CBD Pure - CO2 CBD Extraction Process

Ranks #4 out of 7 CBD Oils

CBD Pure is one of the American brands on this list, but customer best CBD oil UK reviews point out that the company does, in fact, ship their products to the UK.

CBD Pure sells full-spectrum CBD products (that are, apparently, in line with the UK’s 0,2% THC legal law). The oils are going to be potent, so if you’re already an experienced CBD user, these CBD oils should be quite good for you.

The brand also utilizes the CO2 extraction method. By now, it is common knowledge that this particular method of CBD extraction is the best one out there, and allows the cannabidiol to retain its natural capabilities, thus resulting in some high-quality products.

What is the Price of the CBD Pure CBD Oil?

CBD Pure’s prices are:

Decent prices, for sure!

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...or read our CBD Pure review

5. Blessed CBD - Organically-Grown Hemp

Ranks #5 out of 7 CBD Oils

Without a doubt, when it comes to the best CBD oil UK, Blessed CBD is one of the better-known names in the industry. The company operates in the UK, which automatically means that you can expect the products to be both completely legal and fall into all of the legal guidelines of the country’s CBD market, and also take much less time to ship and arrive at your doorstep.

Blessed CBD prides itself on being a vegan-friendly company that deals in top-quality CBD products - customer reviews seem to second that notion, too. All of the CBD products sold on the brand’s official website are made from organically-grown hemp.

Also, when it comes to the best CBD oil UK specifically, there are three potency options for customers to pick from - a beginner-friendly one, the “most popular” one, and the “maximum potency” one.

What is the Price of the Blessed CBD Oil?

The prices for the Blessed CBD oils are:

Great price tags, for sure!

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...or read our Blessed CBD review

6. Hempura - Full-Spectrum CBD Extracts

Ranks #6 out of 7 CBD Oils

Hempura may not be a very well-known CBD oil provider on the UK scene, but the company still deserves a spot on the “best CBD UK” list, nonetheless.

Hempura deals in full-spectrum CBD extracts. Truth be told, the company has a pretty varied stock of CBD products for sale - oils, vapes, capsules, and everything in between. Judging from the customer reviews, it would seem that all of the products are of decent quality - pretty good!

There’s actual proof to complement these claims, too. You see, all of Hempura’s CBD products are independently-tested, and fall in-line with all of the UK’s quality and legal requirements.

What is the Price of the Hempura CBD Oil?

Hempura’s CBD oil prices range from £19,99 up to £64,99. These are the prices from the full-spectrum extracts, but the broad-spectrum oils are priced the same, too. As far as price tags go, that’s decent!

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...or read our Hempura review

7. Love Hemp - Organic, Full-Spectrum CBD Oils

Ranks #7 out of 7 CBD Oils

Love Hemp is a CBD brand that operates from within the UK. If you’re looking for the best CBD UK, and want to receive it as soon as possible, this is an automatic win on the company’s side of things.

Love Hemp dals in full-spectrum CBD oils. This is going to be great for anyone looking for some top-quality, UK-made CBD products that would give you a “bang for your buck”. On top of that, being made in the UK, you can be sure that Love Hemp’s products are going to meet all of the legal standards and requirements that are upheld within the country.

Same as any other high-end CBD provider out there, Love Hemp utilizes the CO2 extraction method to extract their CBD. If anything, this ensures that the CBD oils offered by the brand are going to be of the highest quality.

What is the Price of the Love Hemp CBD Oil?

Love Hemp’s CBD oil prices range from £19,99 up to £399,99. While the differences in price tags are surely noticeable to say the least, you should also note that these prices reflect the weakest and most potent products, respectively.

Visit Love Hemp
...or read our Love Hemp review

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While there are still many questions regarding CBD floating around[2], one thing’s for sure - for anyone looking for the best CBD oil UK, it has become much easier to get your hands on the top-quality products now than it was ever before.

I do hope that this list was useful to you, and that you’ve managed to find the best possible products for yourself. If you’re interested in some of the best CBD oil worldwide, though, you can check out this list, too. If you plan to visit the US sometime soon, who knows - maybe you’ll be able to try some of these products out yourself?

All of that said, thanks for reading, and until next time!

Please keep in mind, though, that before you start using any CBD-based or related products, you should always consult with your family doctor. While I can tell you about the general collective feeling that most people have about certain CBD providers, this information should never substitute that of professional advice.

Jonas Urbonas

Founder of Sativum

Contributed By Jonas Urbonas, Founder of Sativum

Jonas Urbonas is a cannabis expert, philanthropist, sustainability enthusiast, and a founder of Sativum - a hea...

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Scientific References

Contributed by Jonas Urbonas, Founder of Sativum

1. Sumner Burstein: 'Cannabidiol (CBD) and Its Analogs: A Review of Their Effects on Inflammation'

2. Abigail M Freeman, Katherine Petrilli, Rachel Lees, et al.: 'How Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Influence the Acute Effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Humans? A Systematic Review'

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Recent Best CBD Oil UK User Reviews

4.6/5.0 - Blessed CBD Owner

improve variety

they could have a bigger variety of products

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Social CBD Owner

Social CBD

Easy to use website. Fast shipping. I received the order quickly. Wide range of cbds. Great customer service. Great Job!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Blessed CBD Owner


blessed with blessed

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Blessed CBD Owner

The best

Perfect quality - best CBD oil in the UK -

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Love Hemp Owner


I have no complaints whatsoever

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.8/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Arrived very fast

Arrived very fast but... the dosage feel a little too light. I am not sure but probably because I used more stronger one from other company. In any case, in general I am pleasant with the service.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Social CBD Owner

Easy to order

Quick and easy process of ordering. I think their customer service respond too slow. The only disadvantage for now.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Love Hemp Owner



Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Absolutely love their products!

If you are still in doubt, then just visit their website. Everything is simple and clear there, a huge amount of useful information for both beginners and those who have been interested in the CBD for a long time. Absolutely love their products!

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.4/5.0 - Social CBD Owner

-GREAT product but expensive-

The product itself is great and effect lasts at least for one day which is good for such cbd BUT it is more expensive than others and shipping could be better. I don't know

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.0/5.0 - CBD Pure Owner


I've always loved that CBD products have a huge variety of types. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case with CBDPure.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - Love Hemp Owner

Not potent enough. Choose carefully!

3% Love Hemp oil wasn't potent enough for me. Service was good!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Hempura Owner

Great products

I feel comfortable again without any pills! Thanks Hempura!

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Medterra Owner

Reliable Company

The company is reliable starting from the shipping process till the customer service after purchase.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Love Hemp Owner


I didn't know how to choose the potency so I ordered 10% one. I was afraid it won't be strong enough because other CBD companies offer 30-50% ones. But it's actually soooo effective! I fell asleep and forgot about my headache in just a few minutes! Would recommend to anyone!

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.8/5.0 - Hempura Owner

Need gummies

I would love to buy gummies from Hempura. It would be way more comfortable to take it with me anywhere that oil or chocolates.

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - Blessed CBD Owner

Blessed results.

Blessed helped me to get rid of my insomnia in one week.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.0/5.0 - Medterra Owner

No horrible taste

Most of the CBDs have a horrible taste, yes, there is a flavored one but... aftertaste is the same .... Then I found Medterra and you know... no bad taste! I don't know how they do it however effect is still the same. Recommened

Price value
Shipping Terms
5.0/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

Fast delivery

CBDDistilery has one MAJOR advantage. Delivery speed and logistics. They are the best on the market.

Price value
Shipping Terms
4.6/5.0 - CBDistillery Owner

A little bit slower

Order has been processed quickly but delivery time a little bit slower than expected

Price value
Shipping Terms


What are the qualities of the best CBD oil UK?

Among some of the common features that all top CBD products should have worldwide (i.e. independent lab testing, high-quality standards, transparency, etc.), the best CBD oil UK should be easily accessible for people living in the UK. This means that these products should either be UK-made and sold, or be available to be shipped to the UK without any further issues.

How to find the best CBD oil UK for myself?

The best CBD oil UK for you is going to depend on a few different factors. First of all, you should decide what type of CBD product it is that you want - CBD isolates, broad- or full-spectrum CBD oils. Once you've got that sorted, you should then pay attention to the specific products themselves - are they organic? Are they pesticide-free? Are they independently-tested?

What do the different concentrations of CBD oils mean?

Different concentration levels mentioned in various CBD oil reviews reference the fact of just how “strong” the oil actually is. Depending on the reason why you want to purchase CBD products, you’re going to need different amounts of cannabidiol in the oil itself.

Is CBD legal?

It depends on where in the world you are located. For example, in the US, CBD is technically legal in all 50 states. That being said, it still isn’t regulated by the FDA, and a subject for continuous controversies and disagreements.

Is CBD good for me?

There's a lot of ongoing research in the field of CBD, but you can already find studies stating the different benefits of CBD oil. Thousands of CBD users report different pros of the product. We represent the voice of the majority of CBD users, who struggle with sleeping problems, anxiety, various diseases & so on. Reading through our CBD oil reviews, you'll understand the details about CBD products, but you should always consult your doctor for more in-depth advice.

Does CBD have side effects?

According to user reviews, different CBD oils may have certain side effects on some people. The most common ones include drowsiness, sleepiness, nausea. However, analyzing the extent of these side effects, it seems that it’s not common, and mostly depends on the usage of the oil (the amount, concentration, flavour) & brand. The benefits seem to overshadow any possible side effects that may occur.