AllbestCBDoil is an independent & completely unbiased initiative. You can support & keep the project free by donating. Your contribution will help the CBD market to be more transparent!

A Project of Honesty

We are proud to be a completely independent project. Every member of our team is pro-honesty & driven by one mission - to empower readers to discover the health benefits of CBD by using our expertise & experience. That’s why our website is completely free - we want people to have access to our CBD oil reviews, guides & our team’s insights & to help them improve their wellbeing.

We are very happy to have our readers' trust, because trust is the solid ground of the AllbestCBDoil project. Reliance is also important in the business of CBD, as there are so many fake & unverified CBD products it’s even hard to believe. What’s worse - you can also find many biased & unreliable CBD review sites, where the top positions are bought, not earned.

To fight this kind of dishonesty, we set-out to create in-house developed, evidence based review process. Each CBD product that we review goes through the testing period, where we personally analyze every CBD oil. The thorough review process & our team of researchers ensures that the final scores are evaluated objectively.

So when you decide to choose your best CBD oil, you can feel completely calm and satisfied with your decision!

We Are Transparent

Honesty is our main policy. That’s why we are proudly disclosing the way our review project operates in the business that often use fake, bought & fabricated CBD reviews to gain profit. But we are here to show the real picture. AllbestCBDoil team manages to keep the project running for free & for thousands of life-lovers everyday. Differently from the majority of review sites, we:

  • Never ignore products’ flaws or issues
  • Never do paid rankings & scores
  • Never write biased paid reviews
  • Never do paid ads
  • Never do paid research or announcements

Getting Funded

We don’t want to hide anything from our readers. Since you put your trust in us, we are more than happy to disclose the way our project operates. Getting some kind of financial support is vital for AllbestCBDoil oil, because we want to keep the site free & accessible, always, no matter what. Having that in mind, we are proud that our project is reader-supported.

Our loyal reader support is the most important & biggest form of the projects’ funding. The team is really happy that people from all over the world help us test dozens of CBD oils & create helpful CBD oil reviews. With our readers’ trust, we will keep uncovering the truth behind fake & harmful CBD products, biased CBD review sites and false marketing claims.

The website’s content mostly depends on readers support and in order to keep the project alive & always free, the site may also receive a small affiliate commission if a reader chooses to purchase products through some links on the site, at no extra cost to the reader.

Important note - the commission never affects the content that is already published. We don’t change our opinions, scores or reviews for payments. Every word written in our reviews is unbiased.

For some, it might seem strange that we’re disclosing everything so openly. But that’s our mission - to empower people who are looking for ways to improve their life. We strive to give the most helpful advice & write the most in-depth reviews about CBD products.