If you are new to this CBD oil industry or have just purchased your first bottle, you might still be wondering:
How long does it take for CBD oil to work?
Does it matter how much I take?
What effects does it have on you?
All these questions are occurring to practically everyone and it absolutely supposed to! It is very important to understand what CBD oil is used for, how much of it should be used and how often, and what method is best for your desired results.
Of course, you cannot possibly overdose on CBD, so no need to worry about that. Though if taken too much than your body is able to accept, you might feel some of its light side-effects.
It is common to ask ‘how long for CBD oil to work’, though as you will see later on this article, CBD effects strongly depend on individual condition, CBD oil's dosage, potency and quality of the product, and some other factors. So, let’s not wander around and start digging into it.
How fast can a person start feeling CBD effects?
Everyone is unique when it comes to using CBD. Some people notice the effects immediately, and for some, it may take consistent use for up to a month. It all depends on a person’s metabolism, weight, and possibly even genetics.
Table of Contents
How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Work?
As I’ve already said, there is no one clear answer for how long does it take for CBD oil to work. It strongly depends on a few different but highly-influential factors:
- Method of CBD consumption
- Personal condition
- Dosage and consistency
- Quality and potency of the product
The effect could be felt within the minutes or only after a few hours. Why such a big difference? Well, how fast does CBD oil work and for how long - it's a sum of all these dominant factors.
In order to find the best alternative, you need to take into consideration all of them, be clear of what you want to achieve, and find the right balance.
Method Of CBD Consumption
The method of CBD consumption is probably the most important factor in deciding how long does it take for CBD oil to work. Currently, in the market there are four main ways to ingest CBD:
- Swallowing. There are few products, like edibles, capsules, powder and of course CBD oil that you can ingest by swallowing and have CBD absorbed through your digestive system.
This is the slowest way to have CBD start to work. However, this way CBD will stay active in your system the longest. Therefore it is good for managing your overall well-being. How long does CBD take to work when swallowed? The effect is reported to kick in somewhere between 1 - 6 hours. - Sublingually. This method is suitable for CBD oil products. The oil is being kept underneath the tongue for a few minutes, where capillary-rich areas are. This way CBD gets directly into the bloodstream and avoids metabolism processes.
It is also recommended swishing it around your mouth because gums and cheeks are also areas rich in capillaries. How long for CBD oil to work in this way? Depending on individual condition, it could be anywhere between 0.5 - 5 hours.
Generally speaking, this method is the most popular method for reaping the most benefit that CBD has to offer. - Inhalation. This is the quickest way to have CBD effects kick in. You can buy a vaping solution that you inhale and it goes through your lungs directly into the bloodstream.
How long does it take for CBD oil to work when inhaled? It should be felt within 10 minutes. Though it won’t last for long because the quantity of CBD that gets absorbed is not high and therefore effects don’t last long.
This method is good for those who have sudden anxiety or panic attacks. It’s also a nice alternative to smoking. - Topical. Another way to have CBD absorbed is through CBD infused creams. It is generally used for treating chronic muscle or joint pain, inflammation or skin diseases.
How long does CBD take to work when applied to the skin? Some pain-relieving effects could be felt within a few hours, while longlasting changes are only visible within a certain time (usually a few weeks) of using the product.
This method is not used to reach the effects related to our inner well-being, since very little, if any, CBD goes into the bloodstream.
As you can see, there are a few different methods to use CBD products. If you need a quick relief - try vaping, if your goal is for longlasting overall well-being - go for sublingual.
However, how long does it take for CBD oil to work is not only dependent on the way you ingest it. Your body mass and metabolism play an important role too.
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Personal Condition
CBD is a fat-soluble chemical compound that is stored in our body’s fat cells. Therefore, the body’s mass has an influence on CBD effectiveness.
Also, some people are more sensitive than others. What fits one person not necessarily fit another. That’s why there is no clear answer on how long does it take for CBD oil to work.
You have to start with a low dosage and slowly build up in order to see at what line your body starts to react.
Dosage & Consistency
If you’ve been taking CBD for a few weeks and experience no effect, chances are your dosage is too low.
On the other hand, if you’re experiencing nausea, dizziness and other side effects associated with CBD, your dosage is probably too high.
Experiment with it and keep your ‘feelings journal’ at hand, to track the changes throughout the time you use CBD. And make it consistent. Take CBD every day for a few weeks at similar times to have the best results it can offer.
Initially, you might not know how long does it take for CBD oil to work. You might just feel a whole lot better without any sudden clear changes!
Quality & Potency Of The Product
We cannot emphasize enough how important the quality of CBD oil is for having positive health effects on your body. That’s why our team reviews extensively the quality and potency of the product of every CBD oil producer we work with.
It has to be certified organically grown materials, chemical-free growing environments, and transparent extraction methods for CBD oil to become a valid and potent product.
How long for CBD oil to work is also dependent on quality factors, therefore, be sure from whom you are buying and what kind of product they have. For the best CBD oils in the market today, you can take a look at these CBD oil reviews.
Different Kinds Of CBD
Now, when you jump into CBD oil industry, you might hear different names for CBD oil: CBD Isolate, Broad-spectrum oil and Full-spectrum oil. What is their difference and what good are they for?

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CBD is one of the more than one hundred chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant (either Marijuana or hemp). CBD Isolate is a pure CBD extraction, consisting only of CBD. It is mainly in the form of crystals or their powder.
When people hear about CBD wonders, they might still have some reservations about other compounds that are derived from cannabis, namely THC, which is psychoactive and produces that ‘high’ feeling when you smoke Marijuana.
That is generally the main reason people tend to choose CBD Isolate. However, it is proved[1] that those cannabis chemical compounds (aka ‘phytocannabinoids’) work best together. This synergistic cannabinoid work is called “entourage effect”.
How long does CBD take to work when taken in its pure form? Well, since it is ingested through your digestive system, it might also take up to 6 hours to work. Though its effects are not as distinct as Full or Broad-spectrum CBD oil’s.
Broad-spectrum & Full-spectrum CBD Oil
Broad and Full-spectrum oils are the most popular choices for those who wish to reap the full benefits phytocannabinoids have to offer.
The main difference between these two is the psychoactive ingredient THC. Broad-spectrum oil is free of it. Mainly for those who need their drug-test clean when applying for a job, or being in the field where it is important.
However, low levels of THC are proved[2] to be non-intoxicating when consumed together with high levels of CBD, which tend to block THC psychotropic abilities.
Both of the oils are consumed sublingually and then swallowed. In this case, how long does it take for CBD oil to work? Depending on the dose and the strength of oil, it again might take up to 6 hours for the effects to kick in.
What Effect Does CBD Have On You?
There are quite a few positive health effects that CBD has on you. And while it is not commonly agreed how fast does CBD oil work, most of its benefits are reported both by scientists and users together.
CBD has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, relieving and calming qualities, therefore, it is commonly used to treat:
- Anxiety, depression, and insomnia. CBD calms your nerves and improves the mood, as a consequence you feel more at peace and it becomes easier to fall asleep.
How long does it take for CBD oil to work? Usually, people who have sleep disorders report taking CBD oil a few hours before they go to sleep. This gives some time for it to take its effect. - Inflammatory diseases. In the study “Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs”[3] scientists say that cannabinoids, in general, have anti-inflammatory features and helps fighting diseases caused by inflammation. Also, they are involved in regulating our immune system.
- Chronic pain. This recent study[4] confirms CBD pain-relieving quality. When applied topically on joints or muscles with chronic pain or soreness, CBD may as well reduce the intensity of the pain.
There are also other uses of CBD that have been reported, for example: being a potential anticancer drug[5], calming PTSD patients[6], helping those who suffer from epilepsy[7], even improving sexual performance.
How long does it take for CBD oil to work in each of those cases? It varies. Usually, more significant results are seen after at least one month of regular use of the oil. On the other hand, it must be the right dosage adjusted to the user’s individual condition and size.
To sum up, what you have read so far has been answering a few questions:
How long does it take for CBD oil to work?
Does it matter how much and which kind of oil I’ll take?
What effects will CBD have on me?
There’s no one-answer-fits-all for the question ‘how fast does CBD oil work’. It strongly depends on the method of consumption, user’s individual condition, dosage, regularity, and quality of the product.
It does matter how much and which kind of oil you ingest every day. It would be best to consult with your doctor and the oil producer for the recommendations for dosage. Also, be aware that CBD oil works best together with other cannabinoids.
Remember that even though you’ve got the dosage right, if your oil is of low quality, there won’t be an answer to ‘how long for CBD oil to work’ - it simply won’t work.
Be sure to make some research before purchasing a bottle. Here you can find reviews about the current top brands in the market.
Contributed By Jen Palmer, Director of Education at Charlotte's Web
Jen Palmer, ND is the Director of Education for Charlotte’s Web, CBD industry pioneers. Dr. Jen is...
Read Full Bio...Scientific References
Contributed by Jen Palmer, Director of Education at Charlotte's Web
1. Pamplona FA, da Silva LR, Coan AC .: 'Potential Clinical Benefits of CBD-Rich Cannabis Extracts Over Purified CBD in Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy: Observational Data Meta-analysis.'
2. Sagnik Bhattacharyya, Paul D Morrison, Paolo Fusar-Poli et al.: 'Opposite Effects of Δ-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Human Brain Function and Psychopathology'
3. Prakash Nagarkatti, Rupal Pandey, Sadiye Amcaoglu Rieder et al.: 'Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs'
4. Sonja Vučković, Dragana Srebro, Katarina Savić Vujović et al.: 'Cannabinoids and Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules'
5. Paola Massi, Marta Solinas, Valentina Cinquina et al.: 'Cannabidiol as potential anticancer drug'
6. Scott Shannon, Janet Opila-Lehman : 'Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report'
7. Brenda E. Porter, Catherine Jacobson : 'Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy'
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